
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Still Waiting!!!

Well it is two days away from Christmas and we still have not heard from Korea. So i am thinking we will definitely not get Niko until January. I'm a little sad, but there's nothing we can do about it so we are going to try and go about business as usual. We will be thinking of him Christmas Day and wondering what he is doing and whether his foster mother has a Christmas tree and what he might have gotten for Christmas. I wish we could have sent him something, but we can't send care packages through this agency. He'll be home soon enough and we will be able to celebrate then :)

*** Sleep tight my little boy. Mummy loves you!!

1 comment:

  1. Love to you guys this Christmas. We are looking forward to hearing all about our newest cousin and hopefully to meet him as well before too long!

    xox Mike & Anna
